When to Visit
Sweet Grass Ranch hosts guests for the summer months, from June through mid-September and choosing when to visit might be on your mind! This is a spectacular time of the year in Montana, full of sunshine (well, most of the time), wildlife, and wildflowers. Each month has its charm:
Wildflowers are at their peak and meadows are blue with forget-me-nots. It’s the nesting time of the curlew, baby wildlife abounds, and the land is lush and green. The Big Timber Rodeo makes for an exciting time the last week of June.
During July, guests can help drive cattle to the high mountain pastures, check on fences, enjoy overnight trips, swim horses in the creek, fish the Sweet Grass Falls, and marvel at a lighting storm.
August days tend to be cloudless with the snow receding on the higher elevations. It’s the perfect time to watch for mountain goats, experience the natural waterslide, or take a trip up canyon to the cool alpine lakes.
It’s time to round up the cows from mountain pastures and move them before the snow flies. The days are mild, the elk are bugling, and the evenings and mornings are crisp with the scent of autumn.
See more about Weather and Times to come in our FAQs